Business metrics


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Net ARR (SaaS Metrics - Annual Recurring Revenue)

Discover IndieTracker, the all-in-one tool designed for SaaS founders and indiemakers. Aggregate and simplify your data from various sources to stay on top of your business performance. Signup today!

Published on : 

June 18, 2024

Clemence P.

Head of Growth - IndieTracker 💌

Introduction to ARR (annual recurring revenue)

In the fast-paced world of SaaS and indie development, having a streamlined view of all your critical data is essential. IndieTracker is designed to be the ultimate tool for aggregating and simplifying your analytics. By consolidating business data, analytics, and social media metrics, IndieTracker helps you maintain a clear overview of your performance and make informed decisions.

What New Net ARR Is and Does for SaaS companies

Net New ARR (Annual Recurring Revenue) is a crucial metric for SaaS businesses. It represents the amount of new revenue generated from new customers or upsells within a given period. Understanding and tracking this metric helps you:

  • Gauge business growth
  • Identify revenue trends
  • Make strategic decisions

How New Net ARR Is Used in SaaS industry

Cash Flow Management

Effective cash flow management is critical for any business. By tracking Net New ARR, you can:

  • Predict future revenue streams
  • Plan for expenses and investments
  • Ensure financial stability

Business Model Analysis

Net New ARR provides insights into the effectiveness of your business model. Use it to:

  • Assess the success of your pricing strategy
  • Evaluate customer acquisition methods
  • Refine your go-to-market approach

Informed Investor Decisions

Investors are keen on metrics that showcase growth and potential. Net New ARR helps you:

  • Demonstrate business growth
  • Attract potential investors
  • Secure funding with solid data

Tracking Customer Behavior

Understanding customer behavior is vital for improving your product and services. Net New ARR helps you:

  • Identify customer preferences
  • Track purchasing patterns
  • Optimize customer retention strategies

Lessons Learned from Net New ARR

Regularly reviewing Net New ARR provides valuable lessons for your business:

  • Identify successful strategies
  • Understand areas needing improvement
  • Adapt to market changes swiftly

New Net ARR Is An Essential Business Tool (net annual recurring revenue added)

Net New ARR is not just a metric; it's a tool that:

  • Drives strategic planning
  • Supports sustainable growth
  • Enhances overall business performance

Related Metrics & KPIs

To get a complete picture of your business health, consider tracking related metrics and KPIs alongside Net New ARR:

Customer Churn

Customer churn measures the rate at which customers stop using your service. It's essential to:

  • Identify churn reasons
  • Develop retention strategies
  • Maintain a healthy customer base

Burn Multiple

Burn multiple helps you understand how efficiently your company is using its capital. It’s calculated by dividing the net burn (cash outflow minus inflow) by Net New ARR. This metric helps in:

  • Assessing operational efficiency
  • Controlling expenses
  • Ensuring long-term sustainability

Serviceable Addressable Market (SAM)

SAM represents the segment of the total market that your business can serve. Tracking SAM helps you:

  • Identify market opportunities
  • Set realistic growth targets
  • Focus on high-potential areas

Custom Dashboard to track SaaS metrics for SaaS business

IndieTracker allows you to create custom dashboards tailored to your needs. This feature enables you to:

  • Aggregate data from multiple sources
  • Visualize key metrics
  • Share insights with your team

Business Data Aggregation for Sales efficiency

With IndieTracker, you can aggregate business data from platforms like Stripe, Lemonsquee, and Paddle. This helps you:

  • Monitor sales performance
  • Track revenue streams
  • Analyze financial health

Analytics Data Aggregation for customer acquisition

IndieTracker integrates with Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Plausible, and Pirsch Analytics to provide comprehensive insights into your web traffic and user behavior. Use this data to:

  • Optimize website performance
  • Improve user experience
  • Drive growth strategies

Social Media Data Aggregation to follow key metric used by SaaS

IndieTracker connects with social media platforms like YouTube, X (formerly Twitter), and LinkedIn, allowing you to:

  • Track engagement metrics
  • Analyze social media performance
  • Enhance your social media strategy


IndieTracker is the ultimate tool for SaaS founders and indiemakers who need to streamline their data and stay on top of their business performance. By aggregating business, analytics, and social media data, IndieTracker simplifies your workflow and provides a clear overview of your key metrics. Sign up today and take control of your business with IndieTracker.

By focusing on these elements, IndieTracker not only helps you track your Net New ARR but also provides a holistic view of your business performance. Don't miss out on the opportunity to simplify your analytics and drive your business forward.


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